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Writer's pictureLisa Kossuth

The Power of the word STOP

Updated: Jan 26, 2024

From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep at night, are you aware of how you think and talk about yourself? This subject often comes up in resilience coaching sessions and it is crucial to understand what is going on here as it does affect our health and wellbeing. How we think and talk about ourselves and the language we use is very powerful and plays an important part in the choices we make in life too.

Resilience coaching for health and wellbeing with Lisa Kossuth based in East Sussex
The power of the word STOP

A Resilience coaching session can help us to bring awareness to our stream of thoughts throughout the day and we may be surprised at how unkind and negative we are towards ourselves. Bringing awareness to the stories we tell ourselves is an important first step to creating change.

Through Resilience coaching you are given the space to explore different ways to start working on more self-compassion and kindness into your daily life. One self-help technique I often recommend is to start using the word STOP in our heads when we realise we are telling ourselves stories that are unhelpful.

By staying curious about our negative thoughts, we are showing ourselves kindness and compassion and this enables us to start challenging these thoughts and to look at reframing them to something that serves us better.

Reducing the negative noise in our heads leaves room for more positivity, which raises our self-esteem and builds on our resilience. It takes practice and consistency and that is where resilience coaching can help you get started and keep you on track.

Take care,


Lisa Kossuth Cert ECBS, MFHT is a professional Resilience coach and Bowen Technique therapist and works from her home clinic in Northiam, Nr Rye, East Sussex

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